Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Unsung Heroes

During the Fuller Family Reunion in July, we were asked who our heroes from the scriptures/church history are. I did not answer at the time, but not because I did not know the answer. This blog is my answer to the question, complete with the why.

My family took a vacation to Nauvoo the summer that I graduated High School. On this trip we got to see many church history things, including Carthage Jail. I believe that it was outside of the jail that there was a statue of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. We often think of all of the things that Joseph Smith went through (he was my brother Jake's age when he had his first vision!), but in those last moments, and I am sure in the hours, days, weeks, months, and years between; by his side was Hyrum. I wondered then, if I, as an older sibling, would be as supportive of a younger sibling--if I would stand by them at the risk of my life, if I would believe the words of one of them enough to pray to the Lord for answers myself, even if I would be content to be a runner-up of sorts to a younger sibling. I came to the conclusion that Hyrum is the ultimate older sibling. That if there is anyone that I should aspire to be like in my family life, it was him.

Fast forward a while and I was reading in First Nephi, and I discovered that Sam is much like Hyrum. The older brother to the prophet Nephi, having a front row seat to all of Nephi's weird habits and mistakes, but always having faith in the Lord and supporting his brother the Prophet.We hear very little of Sam, but we know that he is never lumped with Laman and Lemuel, we know that he was beaten with Nephi by those same older brothers, we know that his posterity were numbered among the people of Nephi.

Perhaps it is silly of me, but I have taken my role as oldest sibling seriously for many years. I am aware that children watch everything, and learn from what they see. I am inspired by Hyrum, Sam and others like them that were good examples to their younger siblings, and eventually their greatest earthly support as their siblings took on big roles in the Kingdom of God on earth. I hope that I can be like them--a strong support to my own incredible siblings and an example to them as they prepare for their roles in the Kingdom.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Sunshine and Lawn Chairs

This post is dedicated to my husband, who knows that sunshine and lawn chairs are important to me.


Something about being in the sunshine lifts my mood and makes me feel like a day has not been wasted. So I try to spend some time every day in the sunshine--walking, sitting, reading, swinging, hiking, etc. In fact, if I do not spend this time in the sunshine (especially if I don't move around much in a day as well), I become a beast to live with.

My husband, being a smart guy, though not having much love of sunshine himself; decided to help me out. First step, we put a patch of grass in our back yard. Second step, he came home the other day and said he had a surprise for me. He made me hide while he set them up, then he covered my eyes and pulled me to the back yard (terrifying little journey). Before I could open my eyes he had me sit down (I don't have a picture of these lawn chairs, but they stand about 6 inches off the ground, if that much), so that was frightening. Upon opening my eyes,  I discovered that I was sitting on a comfy lawn chair that adjusts between sitting straight and laying down and is a pleasant blue color. Next to it was a matching chair, which means I can have a buddy in the sunshine too, and occasionally it might even be my awesome husband!

Now I have a nice chair to sit on, in the nice lawn we put in, in the fabulous sunshine, in the fresh fall air! I have been thoroughly enjoying it! Now when I come home from a walk with Chewy, we can go straight to the back yard and cool off in the nice breeze. I can read a book, and Chewy can squeak his toy, and we can both soak in that vitamin D (if dogs do that...)!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Commandments vs. Agency?

Lest I have worried some of you, let me put your minds at ease: I know that the commandments are not at all in opposition of agency. Yet, so much of the world seems to think that they are polar opposites. This has been something that I have been thinking about without really intending to think about it, but I have had thoughts on the subject pop into my head at random for weeks. You may ask, "what thoughts?" I will tell you, but I am going to leave you in suspense for a bit longer.

Before I tell you those thoughts there are a few things that you should know that may help to explain why this subject has been on the brain so much, whether or not I intended them to be. First is this: the gospel is ALL about families. We belong to the family of our Heavenly Parents, we are born into families here on earth, and eventually we create our own families so that we can return as families to our Heavenly parents. I have always known this, but lately it has struck me how important those families really are. I am so thankful for the family that I was born into, and I have been thinking that all of my decisions should be made based on how it may affect my own eternal family; I don't know if any other realization in my life has ever made so clear to me what my priorities should be. Second, all families have rules in place--earthly and heavenly. Third, as a student of education I have learned about setting rules in a classroom. Rules should support and help make possible what you want to accomplish in a classroom. For example, if my goal is to have a safe learning environment, I should set rules that are relevant to safety (physical and emotional) and to learning (what behaviors will help with this). Consequences are set in place to help children understand that these rules are important and for the protection of that safe learning environment.

Similarly, Heavenly Father gave us commandments (rules) to follow, following that same logic He must have been protecting His purpose. His purpose is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of His children that choose that (He won't do it by force). By choosing to follow His plan in the premortal life, and through the resurrection of Jesus, we are now pretty much set on the immortality part; but we have to make choices every day that help us, or don't help us, achieve eternal life.

So what have my thoughts about commandments and rules been?

  1. Parents (Earthly and Heavenly) set rules for protection.
  2. There are natural consequences to every decision, and parents may put other consequences in place as well.
  3. Keeping commandments protects our ability to keep making choices
  4. Keeping commandments protects families, which in turn may be our greatest support in decision making.
  5. When we choose to break the commandments we also choose to give up some of their protection. 
  6. On a similar note, loss of that protection may feel like punishment, especially to those that do not understand thoughts 1-5.
As per my usual, this was probably way longer than it needed to be to get my thoughts across, so those of you who stuck it out get to be left with this: I know we are all a part of a Heavenly Family, with our Father in Heaven at its head. I know that our families on earth are so important to how we learn and grow in this life. I know that even though my own family is just myself and my husband that our family unit is important to Heavenly Father and being a member of this small family is my most important job on this earth. I know that Heavenly Father gave us commandments for our protection--I know that keeping these "rules" protect our ability to choose in the future and protect that all-important family unit. Because I know these things, I know that Heavenly Father loves each of us as much as a perfect Godly parent is capable of (which is way beyond my comprehension).

Finally, I will leave you with this bit of unrelated joy that I witnessed today--imagine an old man with a long white beard, he was wearing a reflective orange vest and riding a a tricycle around town. Now smile, because that image should leave no room for unhappiness!